A site I made to upload my thoughts and be a better programmer
Stay around, click on the links and on the top. See some art, see my projects, discover music, find some helpful links, find more cool neocities, find some random hidden stuff, have fun
I'm currently learning web technologies, so I plan to upload some projects/games/fun stuff here. Consider following me on neocities to see future updates :)
This site is not ready yet but I'm on vacation/quarantined/having fun so I've been updating it pretty frequently. Visit me ;)

Thank you for 1000 views :) I plan to keep updating and add more cool stuff
Random quote brought to you by destiny
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for" -John Shedd
Most of the visuals seen here are not mine, if you are the owner of one and don't want them displayed here or want credit, please let me know